Good managers value employee engagement. One of the ways your subordinates may demonstrate this quality is by asking questions during performance reviews. Being prepared with answers is important. Just as employees express their interest by raising queries, show your commitment to helping them. Be prepared with answers to these seven common inquiries:

  1. What Do You Think Went Well This Year?

Some managers have a hard time expressing what their workers did well. This question can help you identify what needs to continue happening in the coming year. It also lets personnel know you noticed their good work and makes them feel appreciated. 

  1. What Do You Think Went Poorly?

Many managers have difficulty discussing what needs to be improved. Even the best workers have areas that could use a tune-up. This question allows you to address the problems the employee had without sounding like you’re berating him or her.

  1. What Could I Do This Coming Year to Improve My Rating for My Next Appraisal?

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, just as everyone has successful years and weaker years. The performance for this period is fixed, but telling the employee what he or she could do to improve a poorer rating gives him or her something specific to aim for. Giving detailed answers lets personnel know what you’re looking for so they can deliver it easier.

  1. How Could I Be More Helpful to Others on the Team?

This question is one of the best indicators of employee engagement you can receive. Someone who asks this is dedicated to improving the overall functioning of the company – not just his or her own goals. Include ways he or she can make your job easier! You’re a member of the team, too.

  1. What Are Your Most Important Goals for the Coming Year?

Sharing your goals gives employees an active role in helping you achieve them. Encourage questions like this; they’re an excellent sign of engagement.

  1. What Changes and Challenges Do You Think Our Business Will Face Next Year?

This query lets you explain where the company is headed. It also allows laborers to prepare for coming challenges through additional training. Furthermore, reviewees can see where their individual goals interact with the company’s, which improves their ability to integrate with the corporate culture.

  1. What Career Opportunities Do You See for Someone With My Background?

This forward-thinking question is a sign of a committed employee. Those asking about career opportunities are the ones interested in advancement. They should be cultivated. Tell them what prospects may arise, and explain how to improve their advancement prospects.

  1. What Specific Skills or Knowledge do I Need to Develop in Order to Improve My Performance?

This is a wonderful opportunity to tell your employee what he or she needs to work on to succeed. Maybe he or she is excellent with initiating sales but has trouble closing. While question three addresses the overall picture of performance, this query outlines the finer details. Whatever the specific issue is, answering this allows you to address it without seeming like a micro-manager.

While you should be prepared to discuss these areas, don’t give an employee the answer to a question he or she hasn’t asked. Having responses ready shows your faith in the process; answering unstated questions may come across as impatient. For more help preparing for your appraisals, read our eBook on self evaluation.